Causes and symptoms of gastritis | how to cope with heartburn

Gastritis or inflammation of the stomach or gastric ulcer is a disease that attacks the stomach symptoms occur because of injury or inflammation of the stomach that causes pain, heartburn, and abdominal tenderness.

Broadly speaking, there are two types of ulcer disease, namely:

Acute Gastritis

Acute ulcer disease is inflammation (the body's reaction against microorganisms and foreign bodies marked by heat, swelling, pain, and impaired organ function) infection of the stomach, and is usually limited to muklosa. Acute ulcer disease can occur without any known cause.

Chronic Gastritits

Chronic gastric ulcer disease patients may experience inflammation (the body's reaction against microorganisms and foreign bodies marked by heat, swelling, pain, and impaired organ function) of certain chronic disorders of this type, which causes gastritis of specific types namely gastritis kronisa.

Type of ulcer disease is seen based on the severity, can be divided into:

Mild ulcer

Mild ulcer is still relatively mild stage where usually everybody was at this stage, if the examination will look excess stomach acid in the wall.

Maag was

Maag at this stage already causing pain, nausea and painful illness.

Chronic gastritis

Chronic ulcer is an ulcer that has severe intensity compared to the usual ulcer.
Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer caused by harmful microorganisms, namely Helycobacter pylori.

The reason could be because people eat irregularly, there are harmful microorganisms, taking certain medications, or other causes such as alcohol, irregular sleep patterns and stress. Maag also can occur when the patient is late to eat, then while eating the meal ulcer patients with portions that are too much. For patients who have severe gastritis, ulcer disease is very dangerous and can cause death.


  • Pain during defecation
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Often feel hungry
  • Flatulence
  • Stinging pain in the abdomen and chest
  • Frequent burping

Prevention and treatment

Gastritis can be cured but can not fully healed ulcer is a disease that can recur if the patient is not eating properly, too much eating, or other reasons. Usually to relieve or cure the patient should take the drug if necessary. But the ulcer can be prevented, that is by eating regularly, eat, wash hands before eating and do not snack at random.

Medicines for heartburn are generally eaten two hours before a meal and two hours after meals. As for the purpose of drug consumed two hours before a meal which is to neutralize stomach acid, because at that time the accumulation of stomach acid is very much in the stomach and patients must have been minor injuries which when exposed to acid will feel sore. Then the drugs taken two hours after eating aim to protect the stomach wall of the acid continues to be produced. Finally, two hours after eating, the acid in the stomach will be used to digest food so it is neutralized and will not hurt the stomach wall.

Drugs that are commonly used:

Antacids (Neutralize stomach acid and relieve pain)
Proton pump prevention of bacterial growth (Stopping production of stomach acid and inhibit bacterial infection helicobacter pylori)
Cytoprotektif agent (Protecting the mucosal tissue of the stomach and small intestine)
Anti-secretory drugs (Able to suppress acid secretion)
Pankreatin (Helps digestion of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and overcome the pain digestive disorders such as flatulence, nausea, and often out of gas)
Ranitidine (Treating stomach ulcers)
Cimetidine (Treating dyspepsia)
Besides the disease is believed to have several types of drinks and food is not good for consumption.

Drinks that stimulate gastric acid expenditures include: coffee, white wine, citrus juice, and milk.

Highly acidic foods such as vinegar or spicy, chili, and pepper (food that stimulates the stomach and can damage the stomach wall).

The food is difficult to digest and can slow gastric emptying. As this can cause an increase in stomach stretching which can eventually increase stomach acid include fatty foods, cake, chocolate, and cheese.
Food down the esophagus valve weakens, causing gastric fluid can go up into the esophagus such as alcohol, chocolate, high-fat foods, and fried foods.

Food and drinks that contain lots of gas and also that too much fiber, among others:
Certain vegetables like lettuce and cabbage
Certain fruits such as jackfruit and banana
Certain high-fiber foods such as kedondong and dried fruit
Drinks containing gas (such as soft drinks).
In addition, activities that can improve the gas in the stomach should also be avoided, such as eating candy, especially chewing gum and smoking.

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Related : Causes and symptoms of gastritis | how to cope with heartburn